

Crypto Portal

This was a small-scale project on which I collaborated with Mikhail Gusev. My responsibility involved leading the entire product, while Mikhail did an excellent job in technically optimizing the finalized designs. Our goal was to rapidly fulfill all client requirements before the launch. Here's what we achieved.


While working on the product, my aim was to elevate its value and professionalism. To achieve this, I began by incorporating higher-end assets. The initial addition was a logo-embedded crystal, which turned out quite sleek and contemporary. The plan ahead involved integrating more such elements and infusing them with greater significance.

Simple Request

We were asked to provide a list of edits for improving the payment page, but there were so many shortcomings that we decided not only to update the layout but also to refresh the payment page itself. The process took about three days, and as a first iteration, the result turned out quite well. However, there's definitely room for improvement in terms of contrast.

Dekstop Payment Page

Based on research I conducted on payment pages in desktop interfaces across various projects, I designed a similar page for this crypto portal. The page's logic is straightforward—a linear flow, clear segregation between read-only and editable information, and alignment with the branding.

Landing Page

After successfully completing the initial project, the client commissioned a landing page to showcase the company's products to their primary clientele. As the website served as more of a cover to instill confidence in the product's validity rather than being the primary channel, the content was fairly basic. Therefore, the design goal was to visually amplify the meaningful aspects.

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