

B2B Onboarding

In onboarding, the main goal was to digitize the manual user onboarding process and ensure that the user would complete this process. To achieve this, we joined forces with the marketing team and the MOT team and began working together.

Customer Journey (refund flow)

Before diving into the work, I documented the current onboarding process within the company. This immediately gave me insights into which departments were not receiving adequate information and where issues were arising in the process. It was an excellent starting point for making improvements to the onboarding process.

Internal Interviews

I also conducted several types of tests and interviews. The first type of interview was conducted using a prototype that we assembled along with a scenario. We conducted approximately 12 tests with internal employees, which proved to be an optimal number, as the feedback gathered from the last three individuals was repeating the observations of the earlier participants.

Third Party User Tests

Then, we optimized the flow and addressed all the issues that emerged during the initial tests. Before handing over the designs for implementation, we conducted tests once more, this time using an external platform. We created another scenario that users had to follow, and they recorded videos with their reactions and screen captures. In the end, we automatically collected a set of video files, which allowed us to make a second round of revisions before implementation.

Competitor Analysis

Furthermore, it was important for the teams to understand what was happening in the onboarding processes of other companies. So, we compiled a list of competitors, selected around 30 competitors for analysis, and scrutinized every little detail, from emails to pricing offers. We gathered information about each input field and every complaint, which provided a comprehensive understanding of the overall landscape.


In the end, we were able to prepare a flow optimized for new users, utilizing all the data we had collected.

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